Annex A 

Local government assessment tool for integral quality management

This annex presents a diagnostic system that local governments can use to perform self-assessment. The system contains methodology for performing an assessment/diagnosis of a local government to evaluate its operating conditions, processes used and results achieved, to enhance its administrative structures, and to implement actions to improve its products and services to its customers/citizens in order to be considered a reliable local government.

It provides examples of typical products and services offered by local government, as well as criteria for measurement. It contains elements that can be used by customers/citizens to follow up government actions in an orderly, verifiable and systematic way.

This diagnostic system will help top management to define the necessary elements for local government operations and to identify areas for improvements in line with their responsibilities towards the customer/citizen in an efficient and transparent way.

The system contains a self-assessment framework based on 39 management indicators of public policies, distributed in four major categories. These indicators define the products and services that a typical local government should provide to its customers/citizens in order to be “reliable”.

The four topics are:

a)     institutional development for good government;

b)     sustainable economic development;

c)     inclusive social development;

d)   sustainable environmental development.